While we get to experience the joy, friendship and love our pets provide, there comes a time for most of us when we must face end-of-life care for our beloved companion. We strive to make this process as easy as possible for you and your pet, honoring your beloved relationship and ensuring your pet is well taken care of throughout the process of hospice care or euthanasia.
End-of-life care is essential for helping our pets avoid unnecessary suffering and for doing what’s right for our families, too. It’s an incredibly difficult time, and there is no set rules for identifying when it’s time to say goodbye. As a pet’s caregiver, it’s our responsibility to keep their quality of life at a high level, even if that means having to let them go.
Sometimes pets will have symptoms or show signs that they’re nearing the end of their life. Common indicators that a pet’s quality of life has decreased include:
- Loss or lack of appetite
- Depressed attitude or moods
- No excitement about toys, treats or other things that previously excited them
- Not greeting you when you come home
- Incontinence
- Partial or full immobility