How To Acclimate Your Foster Pet To Your Home

How To Acclimate Your Foster Pet To Your Home

Making the decision to adopt a pet is a significant one. It’s a wonderful way to volunteer and give back to the community. However, it can be daunting for first-time foster parents; most of the time, foster parents are unsure of the pet’s mannerisms. There are ways that you can prepare yourself, your house, and the foster pet for the new adjustment, and Complete Pet Care, your Raleigh vet, is here to assist you! Here are a few tips that can help you prepare for fostering a pet and how to foster pets NC.

Prepare Your Home In Advance

No matter how big or small your home is, you want to prepare your home for the newest arrival. Both cats and dogs can become overly curious, especially if they’re exploring their new environment. Ensure that all poisonous plants, breakable decor, and anything else they could get into are placed in an area where they cannot reach it.

It’s also important to have a place for the new animal to slowly adjust to the home. Whether it’s a crate, carrier, or spare room, having their own space where they can get used to the new smells and environment will help the adjustment go a lot smoother. Make sure their area has toys, a bed, food, and water as well as a litter box for cats. You can also include a blanket or old shirt that smells like you and any other pets as a way for them to get used to the smells.

Take It Slow

While it is exciting to include new NC foster pets into your life, overwhelming them can cause anxiety and stress. This can result in negative reactions, such as biting, scratching, cowering, and having “accidents” in the home. It will take time to acclimate your new friend to their home. With dogs, keep them on a leash while you give them a small tour of the house. Allow them to investigate their surroundings while moving slowly and talking in a calm voice. Any other animals and people should be introduced slowly and at a later time, so as to not overwhelm the animal.

With cats, place the carrier on the floor for their new space and open the door. Allow them to come out at their own pace while letting them have space and time. Toys and treats can be used to coax them out of their carrier, but forcing them out will make them feel threatened. With any foster animal, it’s important to allow them to come to you at first, but if you do approach them, try to avoid sudden movements or loud noises. It might also take a day or two to get them to eat and use the restroom appropriately, but with time, they will learn the schedule and adjust.

Remain Calm

Maintaining a calm and relaxed presence is more beneficial to foster animals than most people would think. Animals tend to empathize with the people around them and understand certain human emotions. If you are feeling anxious or stressed out, the pet will pick up on that. It’s also important not to yell at the new animal. If they do something wrong, a stern, “no,” will do the trick. If something were to happen or they do something unusual, you can contact your local Raleigh vet and the shelter to inform them of the situation and ask about the next steps.

Find And Maintain A Routine

Getting a pet on a routine can take a few days to a week, but it is imperative to get them on a schedule. This way, they know when to expect you to be home, to leave, when they get fed, and go to the bathroom. They will become more comfortable when they know what to expect!

How To Foster Pets NC

If you’re interested in learning more about how to foster pets NC, you can check out your local animal shelter or humane society. The warmer months frequently come with more puppy or kitten litters as well as adult animals. They can get you set up with an application, Raleigh vet, and find the right pet for you, your home, and your family.

Complete Pet Care | Raleigh Vet

It’s important to get all of the right information about how to foster pets NC. It’s a confusing time for the animal, but if you know what to do in certain situations, it helps with the adjustments to living in a home. Your Raleigh vet, Complete Pet Care, offers a lot of different resources for pet owners and foster parents on our website!

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