While having a pet can help attract new friends, it is also a window of opportunity for pests to climb aboard. Pests such as fleas and ticks can create many problems for all parties involved, including pet owners. Pests can be transferred from pets to humans and in doing this can spread an array of illnesses, from simple skin infections to Lyme disease. While this sounds scary, there are plenty of ways to protect your entire household. Complete Pet Care, your local veterinary Raleigh NC clinic, is here to assist you in your efforts to keep your animals safe from menaces with these tips.
Change Your Clothes After Spending Time Outside or Around Other Animals
It can be tempting to love on animals you run into on walks and at the park, but during the peak of flea and tick season, this simple action can prove to be harmful. If you decide to share the love, ensure you wash your clothes immediately after to avoid infestations in your home. Taking extra steps such as removing shoes before entering your home and taking a shower can also prevent pests from entering your home.
Keep Your Pet Clean
Making sure your pet is regularly cleaned and groomed can prevent infestations. Some veterinary Raleigh NC clinics, like Complete Pet Care, can assist you in grooming and making sure your pet is pest-free. While grooming or bathing at home, check their fur for fleas and ticks. This can help you find and get rid of them faster, preventing the further spread of illness or disease.
Use Prevention and Treatment Medications
Consistently vacuuming and dusting can benefit the health of you, your home, and your pet. It can also help keep the pest levels down in your home. Vacuuming can help remove any larva or eggs living in your rugs or furniture to prevent infestations.
Medications, collars, and sprays are some of the easiest ways to prevent pests from making their next home in your pet’s coat. You can purchase recommended flea and tick prevention medications from Complete Pet Care animal hospital Raleigh next time you stop in for a visit. Some popular methods for prevention and treatment are Bravecto and NexGard, which are chewable medications that can be given on a monthly schedule. Talk with your veterinary technician at our veterinary Raleigh NC clinic to figure out which prevention plan is right for you.
Complete Pet Care | Veterinary Raleigh NC Clinic
At Complete Pet Care, an animal hospital Raleigh, we are dedicated to the health and safety of your pets, especially during flea and tick season. We offer a wide variety of pet services, including veterinary Raleigh NC, grooming, boarding, daycare, and more. If you would like to learn more about our services, please visit our website.